Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us. We use only membership personal data to provide members with information about our products and our brands, to share with them recipes and nutritional information, to ask their opinion about our projects, our products and our services in order to improve our products and to serve our consumers better. Please read below the summary of our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions.
Collection and Use of Personal Data
Personal information is data that can be used to uniquely identify or contact a single person.
We do not use Personal Data for commercial transactions.
What personal information we collect:
Personal data we may ask to register members are limited, basic and with limited implications.
Mandatory data for a new member to register
first name and name (you can use nicknames if you are not willing to disclose your name)
a valid email address (we recommend you to have a specific email address for newsletter and commercial information, separated from your professional and personal emails)
Non-mandatory data to register
full address
age group
phone or media
ethnic group
We may ask ID numbers for contests, but we are not registering them in our database. We keep them in separate records as long as requested by the laws and regulations and we delete the data when they are no more needed.
We are not willing to ask you more personal data. If you believe that somebody from our companies is trying to ask you for personal data not listed above, please REPORT TO US.
All your personal data are collected with your consent. If you believe that your personal data have been registered without your consent, please REPORT TO US. and we will delete your personal data from our database.
At any time, if you are willing to unsubscribe, please INFORM US and we will delete your personal data from our database.
How We Protect Your Personal Information
Membership personal data are stored in a dedicated virtual server "CLOUDACCESS.NET" located in Detroit, Michigan; Phoenix, Arizona; and Bissen,Luxembourg.
The personal data can be accessed by limited and designated staff from Denis Group companies or our subcontractors, under a proper written procedure to ensure confidentiality, data integrity and to prevent misuses.
We do not sell or share personal data with third parties. We do not communicate personal data, except if requested by police or authorized authorities in full accordance with laws and regulations. Our companies erase the personal data when they are not needed anymore.
How We Use Your Personal Information
Your personal data can be used only by companies' member of Denis Group, as permitted by law and for 3 purposes:
to email you newsletters and brand's information
to send you goodies, like recipe books or contest prices for instance
to ask for your opinions about our products, our brands or our services
Our Companywide Commitment To Your Privacy
To make sure your personal information is secure, we communicate our privacy and security guidelines and procedures to all staff that can have access to your personal data.
Accuracy and Correction of Personal Data
We take steps to ensure information is accurate and up-to-date by updating its records whenever changes to information come to its attention. We disregard information which seems, on a reasonable basis, be inaccurate or out of date by reason of the time which has elapsed since it was collected or by reason of any other information in its possession.
If an individual has submitted personal data to us electronically or otherwise, and would like it corrected, PLEASE INFORM US.
We will comply with an individual's request to correct their personal data as soon as practicable.
If we disagree with any request to correct an individual's personal data on reasonable grounds, we shall annotate the personal data with the correction that was requested but not made.
Withdrawal of Consent
An individual may withdraw his consent for the collection, use or disclosure of personal data by giving us reasonable notice and informing us. We shall inform the individual of the likely consequences of the withdrawal of the consent. We will cease to collect, use or disclose the personal data upon such withdrawal unless otherwise permitted or required by the PDPA or other applicable laws and regulations.
Privacy Questions
If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, PLEASE CONTACT US.
Last updated: November 15th, 2021